Valstar Barbie

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 » Elle fait à la fois référence à l’univers féerique et sucré de la poupée Barbie et à Klaus Barbie qui a sévi et a été jugé à Lyon. J’ai eu envie de traiter l’espace de cette manière, en mettant en parallèle deux situations : les loisirs et le drame. Il y a une présence sonore très importante avec la diffusion d’une valse de Vienne ralentie et distordue. Quant à la chaussure de la Barbie, elle est monstrueuse par ses dimensions. Certaines personnes ne perçoivent pas la dimension monstrueuse de l’œuvre et ne retiennent que le côté féerique. D’autre part, même si la Valstar est une bière de base, j’avais aussi envie de triturer la relation entre la valse et la star. »


Claude Lévêque : Valstar Barbie, Biennale de Lyon, 2003 






sako 2


The west lake is the center of Hangzhou city in China. This boutique is located near the West Lake. « Romanticism » is a brand of the female clothes that develop about 500 stores in China, and this store is the flagship store.

« Net » an organic form ties smoothly the whole. The continuous « Net » from the facade to the inside wraps selling space on the first floor while changing itself.

In addition, « Net » narrowed once at the stairs begins to extend and makes various places again on the first basement floor as well as the first floor.


« Net » drawn three dimensional curved surfaces and white wall opened infinite form holes are made by a motif ;the body and clothes that wrap it.

Sako Architects

Twilight by Hehe

juin 30, 2008



Twilight 2000 at Eleven by Hehe






Andy Goldsworthy

FRont Design

front Design2

Sketch Fourniture by Front Design

The four FRONT members have developed a method to materialise free hand sketches. They make it possible by using a unique method where two advanced techniques are combined.   
Pen strokes made in the air are recorded with Motion Capture and become 3D digital files; these are then materialised through Rapid Prototyping into real pieces of furniture.


One Day Poem Pavillon

juin 30, 2008


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Using a complex array of perforations, light passing through the pavilion’s surface produces shifting patterns, which transform into the legible text of a poem by Experimental Typography 



Neo Deo



Belgian artist Fred Eerdekens creates sculpture that masterfully manipulates light and shadows. 

Jacob Dahlgren

juin 30, 2008

Jacob Dahlg
The Wonderful World Of Abstraction


Colour reading and contexture


Heaven is a place on earth

by Jacob Dahlgren

Heat Wave

juin 29, 2008

Heat Wave

Heat Wave 2


Radiateur Heat Wave by  Joris LAARMAN (Droog Design)

ASK ME! culture badges

juin 29, 2008

« Culture Badges works within urban public spaces to encourage communication between ‘locals’ and people coming from abroad »

This short message, which sometimes refers to cultural, gastronomic or traditional issues, is nothing more than an excuse to attract people’s attentionand start a conversation. The badges announce a desire to integrate as well as an interest in preserving the wearer’s cultural roots.